Monthly Archives: February 2015

23 02, 2015

P35 Deadline

By | February 23rd, 2015|Publications|Comments Off on P35 Deadline

P35 Deadline 23rd February 2015 By Noelle O’Connor, O’Donovan Lavin   If you’re an Employer, February 14th isn’t all about flowers and chocolates. It’s an important day for Employers because it’s the last day before the deadline (15th February) for the submission and payment of the 2014 P35 Returns to the Revenue Commissioners.   For [...]

4 02, 2015

The Liquidation Process, Safeguards for Company Directors & Process of Restoring a Company

By | February 4th, 2015|Publications|0 Comments

In our column this week, Keith O'Donovan of O’Donovan Lavin Accountants & Business Advisors discusses The Liquidation process, Safeguards for Company Directors in an Insolvency situation and the process of restoring a Company after liquidation or strike-off: Following on from the first part of this discussion, I would like to bring to the reader’s attention, [...]

4 02, 2015

Options for closing down a Company

By | February 4th, 2015|Publications|0 Comments

In our column this week, Keith O'Donovan (Business Services & Corporate Recovery) of O’Donovan Lavin Accountants & Business Advisors discusses the options available if you wish to close down a Company that you no longer require in Ireland: There are two general ways to arrange the affairs of a Company; it can either be Struck-off the Company registrar [...]