Monthly Archives: October 2015

21 10, 2015

BUDGET SUMMARY 2016 By Noelle O’Connor, O’Donovan Lavin

By | October 21st, 2015|Publications|Comments Off on BUDGET SUMMARY 2016 By Noelle O’Connor, O’Donovan Lavin

The Minister for Finance Michael Noonan T.D. on the 13th October 2015 presented his 2016 Budget.  Below I have summarised some of the key points in this Budget which I hope you will find informative. Personal Tax The top rate of income tax remains at 40% and there are no changes to the income [...]

15 10, 2015

Budget 2016

By | October 15th, 2015|Publications|Comments Off on Budget 2016

Some of the key points from this year’s Budget are highlighted below for your convenience: FAMILIES: Families are the main winners from measures in this Budget with free GP care being extended to children under 12.  There is an additional year’s free pre-school childcare and an increase to the Children’s Allowance of €5 per child [...]

13 10, 2015

IMPORTANT DATES TO NOTE FOR PERSONAL TAX By Mary O’Donoghue, Chartered Tax Advisor at O’Donovan Lavin

By | October 13th, 2015|Publications|Comments Off on IMPORTANT DATES TO NOTE FOR PERSONAL TAX By Mary O’Donoghue, Chartered Tax Advisor at O’Donovan Lavin

It’s that time of year again, the income tax filing deadline is fast approaching and it’s time to focus on getting your tax affairs in order if you haven’t already done so. This is a brief summary of the main points to note on whether to file an income tax return and the other [...]